Aside from learning the lesson, there are two other important goals for the teaching strategy called discussion. Discussion boards also Teaching with Discussions. discussion boards like Reddit. Online discussions can generate a number of messages, so you need to consider efficient ways to make your contributions. This article is adapted from: “Creating a Community of Learning Through Classroom Discussion: Student Perceptions of the Relationships Among Participation, Learning, Comfort and Preparation,” by E.J. One of the most challenging teaching methods, leading discussions can also be one of the most rewarding. Provide a structure. “discussion board.” Teachers have devised many creative techniques for using this communication environment. "Conducting Effective Classroom Discussions" by J. Barton. The Discussion Web: Is a strategy designed to encourage all students to participate actively in class discussions and to think critically. Gives students a framework for evaluating both sides of … This online discussion tool allows a teacher to post a topic for discussion (could be student-generated) to a discussion “grid” which is simply an online space for collaborative thought. to the discussion question and 2) Write a response to one other student? method of teaching, for it is a method of leading a discussion in which a good deal of authority and control remain in the hands of the discussion leader and in which … Opinions are fine as long as they are supported by information from the text or by personal experience.,, Students can use the Discussion Web... Science. Web-based teaching starts with identifying and vetting your resources, creating a lesson plan, and developing online handouts that provide information and encourage student participation. Copyright © 2002 Education World, Sign up for our free weekly newsletter and receive. Questions relating to literature can become more involved. (See illustration below.). Within discussion forums, students share thoughts and review the ideas of others modeled through collegial, dialogic exchanges. A Project of The Internet TESL Journal If this is your first time here, then read the Teacher's Guide to Using These Pages If you can think of a good question for any list, please send it to us. Discuss the focus question with your group and come up with evidence to support both a yes position and a no position. Using Discussion to Promote Reading Comprehension by D.E.Alvermann, D.R.Dillon, and D.G.O'Brien. History is considered to be a dry subject. say that all students would write throwaway responses if more than one was The middle of the web is the core idea that you will build all other parts of the web … Discussion methods are a variety of forums for open-ended, collaborative exchange of ideas among a teacher and students or among students for the purpose of furthering students thinking, learning, problem solving, understanding, or literary appreciation. the board itself is valuable. Teaching Discussion Sections Discussion sections provide opportunities for collaboration and active learning that do not always take place in a traditional lecture context. Students then respond to the topic by recording their thoughts in … Find discussion web lesson plans and teaching resources. engagement using online discussion. By Edwige Simon. The role of section goes beyond clearing up any confusion remaining after the course material has been presented in lecture. Because a variety of software are available, ranging from bare bones freeware to sophisticated commer- Buzzfeed. Discussion-based teaching is an instructional approach that prioritizes learner acquisition of knowledge, skills, and attitudes through discourse rather than passive approaches that focus on lecture, reading, or viewing. Here is a brief summary of how we have translated these student-generated categories into concrete pedagogical strategies to facilitate learning from class discussion. also indicates that instructor engagement is critical for the relevance of The Discussion Web differs from the Web Outline in several distinct ways, Alvermann says: "The Discussion Web approach can be used with students of all ages," says MaryEllen Vogt in Lively Discussions!, published by the International Reading Association. "It functions as either a prereading or prewriting strategy, not just as a postreading strategy. spent scrolling through student posts, looking for something to respond to. Another possible literature-related use for Discussion Webs from Alvermann's article: Students might use the Discussion Web to analyze an author's perspective. While there are a lot of issues to consider when planning and leading a discussion, the time you spend up-front thinking through the cognitive, social/emotional, and physical aspects of discussion will pay off later in more lively, productive, and rewarding discussions as well as greater student learning. Whether we’re teaching completely online or adding online discussion to a face-to-face class, online discussion boards are increasingly becoming a staple of college courses. Among her examples are these: Jeanne Swafford, an associate professor of language literacy education at Texas Tech University, uses Alvermann's article to introduce her college students to Discussion Webs as a classroom strategy. After reading a selection, form groups of three to five students each. Examples. Make sure to create new threads if new topics evolve in the discussion. Then: "By talking with partners and pairs of partners prior to engaging in whole-class discussion, students have multiple opportunities to interact," explains Alvermann in "The Discussion Web: A Graphic Aid for Learning Across the Curriculum. Discussion-based Teaching and Handling Controversial Topics in the Classroom. The use of computer based online discussion through online forums is evident in the curriculum of many courses throughout the world in universities in Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and the United States (Scott & Ryan 2009). Prompt students to speak with one another. discussion. But Discussion Webs aren't just for reading. For teachers, it is an open way to talk to students and other teachers. A good discussion will help students express themselves verbally, crystalize their thinking in conjunction with the thinking of their peers, and develop a tolerance for those with whom they may disagree. Developing group discussion skills is useful for everyday life as we regularly find ourselves having discussions amongst friends, family and colleagues. The structure and purpose of discussion boards vary according to teaching style and course objectives. There is a disconnect between the goals and Included: Tons of ideas for active discussions across the curriculum and across the grades! This requires dialogue and both individual and group problem-solving strategies. in the Classroom. And quality requires instructor engagement and thoughtful construction of discussion assignments. It creates a ground for an open the events that triggered WWI,” required consulting a lesson and regurgitating There are best practices for Ideally, the boards not only fuel Class discussions can take on a variety of forms: Socratic Seminar - In a Socratic seminar, the instructor asks open-ended questions that encourage students to think critically about the course material, often a particular text or reading. And the benefits of using Discussion Web strategies are many. Is it wrong for lawyers to defend accused people? On the other hand, “Of the events that contributed 17 Tweets about discussion boards that are brutally honest. In fact, studies show that discussions build students’ problem-solving skills more effectively than do lectures. Building a Cheat Sheet for Your Child’s Online Schoolin... Webs (The Discussion Kind!) spirit of tolerance is inculcated. Then they sort the number facts presented in the problem into two categories -- that information needed to solve the problem and that information that is unneeded. For one thing, online learning often draws more adult leaders than traditional students, and these adult learners respond better to different teaching methods. Check out our Needs Improvement Report Card Comments for even more comments! to one other student seems as if it would be enough engagement than three ", "This type of discussion differs from the more traditional pattern of classroom interaction in which teachers call on students to respond one at a time," Alvermann adds. Once teachers and students learn how to have robust online conversations, there is never any doubt as to what the students know and what needs to … 125 Report Card Comments Combine discussions with other teaching methods. discussion. teaching online courses. emphsis on learning instead of teaching. Previously, I required students to write an end-of-week discussion summary, but I realized that I didn't want to read them—and I don't think students read them, either. And the classroom encounter consumes a great deal of en… Within a discussion, messages can be viewed in either chronological or threaded sequence. fuel an impressive level of student contempt. By Edwige Simon. participation by everyone in the class. Although online discussions are employed by most universities in Malaysia (Sam and Lee 2008), schools may not be aware of this … Then the partners are paired with another set of partners to form a discussion group. student engagement, but they also facilitate critical thinking and a sense of more students need to be addressed? Then, all of a sudden, they are expected to talk. clear that discussion boards are truly delivering a sense of community or The Discussion Web: A graphic aid for learning across the curriculum. Education World® Editor-in-Chief Creative teachers use discussion webs across the curriculum. Swafford uses the Discussion Web strategy across the curriculum. Shinsky & Stevens/TEACHING USING WEB 2.0 APPLICATIONS 199 Help students immerse and reflect. Tell students how you expect they will prepare for discussions. “My ideas about today’s readings” isn’t nearly as c… In my courses, I require two answers to the initial questions and two additional replies to classmates by the end of each week.Be careful what you wish for, however! One thoughtful response development of democratic way of thinking. If the cookies sold for 90 cents a dozen, how much money should Susan and Mario collect? The discussion leaders are responsible for adding a discussion question and moderating the answers. This organizational tool guides discussions by allowing students to identify ideas of contention, to weigh opposing viewpoints, to critically evaluate the arguments, and to draw conclusions. That is, student Together, they reach a consensus on a pro or con point of view. go-to. In a 1996 Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy article, authors Julie Fisher Robertson and Donna Rane-Szostak provide a two-step approach for students to analyze written dialogues for bias and errors in thinking. Teaching by discussion utilizes one of the best principles of the learning process, namely, the involvement of students in active participation in the learning experience. Discussions allow electronic "threaded" conversations. Is it enough to expect a student to 1) Write a response Participants present multiple points of view, respond to the ideas of others, and reflect on their own ideas in an effort to Raising the bar: Encouraging higher-level thinking in online discussion forums. Below are four major discussion tasks designed for classroom use, with a description of teachers' roles and learning strategies to be adopted by the discussants. Consider asking students to prepare beforehand by drafting 2-3 questions or written responses to questions shared beforehand. The opportunities for using Discussion Webs across the curriculum widen. Swafford provides students with ideas for literature-based Discussion Web questions and solicits additional ideas from her students. This complexity is captured well by C. Roland (“Chris”) Christensen, who pioneered teaching by the case method and taught at the Harvard Business School for 50 years: [E]ffective preparation for discussion classes takes more time, because instructors must consider not only what they will teach, but also who and how. Discussion Webs are useful tools for readers. Students are provided with authentic, challenging situations as part of their journal and discussion board activities. You’ll see it on anonymous Active participation by the students in the discussion makes learning full of … pattern for success in a discussion board response-to-peers. April 28, 2015. Using this approach, students are asked to respond to a yes-no thinking question. Asynchronous discussions are where the participants exchange ideas at different times over an extended period ranging from a few days to a few weeks – for example, in a discussion forum in a learning management system such as LEARN. Lyman. The Harkness method of teaching and learning is a discussion-based education method involving small groups of students (usually 8-12) seated around an oval table to share thoughts and ideas and to learn good reasoning and discussion skills. The two children, 9-year-old Susan and 11-year-old Mario, delivered 3 dozen cookies to their neighbor. "Older students might debate the merits of current events issues, political questions, or decisions that were made in years past," explains Vogt. This first web is focused on centers. So, it's not going to happen overnight. They offer a laundry list of questions that might serve as fuel for their approach. Afterall, faculty teaching The simple format demonstrated above could be used across the grades and across the curriculum, Vogt says. The goal of a discussion is to get students to practice thinking about the course material. And as students polish their critical thinking and debating skills, they are able to handle more involved issues. Whole-class discussions can encourage students to learn from one another and to articulate course content in their own words. While generally not conducive to covering large amounts of content, the interactive dynamic of discussion can help students learn and motivate them to complete homework and to prepare for class. have found that higher-level questions won’t necessarily generate higher-level Through the DB, a user can commence a new topic, look for a given topic, share attachments and web links, and view, post and edit replies. Teachers love these books for the language and phonics skills they teach. Using discussions as a primary teaching method allows you to stimulate critical thinking. Discussion boards have been a staple of online courses for decades. But Carolyn Speer, manager of instructional design and access at Wichita State University, thinks many instructors default to using them incorrectly. Is feminism responsible for the family breakdown? There are a number of resources on the Internet aimed specially Among the examples she shares are: The higher up in the grades you go, the more potential uses for Discussion Webs! Teacher distributes a copy of the Discussion Web template to each individual. Ten Tips for Effective E-Mail (Ellen Dowling) It's for native English speakers, but could easily be adapted for ESL students. Perhaps James Barton best summed up the value of Discussion Webs (and other graphic organizers) in a recent Journal of Reading article: "To put it simply, the human mind craves organization... [Webs] are one practical way of giving the mind what it requires. The physical layout (we'll get to that in a second!) Then students have the opportunity to share their point of view with the entire class. This discussion is important, because only a few resources are available for teaching Web design and development. Alvermann, in her article in The Reading Teacher, provides many examples of Discussion Webs as they've been used by teachers across the grades. Reutzel and P. Fawson. education; it may be the case that instructors simply don’t know how to create Platt (2016), Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 27(3), 137-171. Journal of Communication Education, Martinez, K. (2019). ", Article by Gary Hopkins Discussions help students apply abstract ideas and think critically about what they learn. Here are 125 positive report card comments for you to use and adapt! the outcomes of online discussion. and spark critical thinking at the same time. Build in motivation for students to participate. Online discussion fosters collaboration and higher order thinking skills that better prepare students for the type of work they’ll find in college and career. And second, discussion is supposed to develop the students’ social interaction skills. Kindergarten and first-grade teachers are using them, too! No thanks, I don't need to stay current on what works in education! Roeper Review. across the spectrum are not typically specialists in pedagogical theories of Knowing and using student names is an oft-overlooked but vital foundation for an effective discussion. matter, a discussion board question that has a finite set of acceptable community in online environments. top education news, lesson ideas, teaching tips and more! Students will use character, setting, and plot to retell and make up their own versions of story events from Charlotte's Web using a comic strip format and the Make Your Own Comics interactive activity. And, they have been trained that way since they were in kindergarten and all through high school. Student and instructor A successful discussion isn’t measured by the quantity of student responses, it’s measured by the quality of student responses. And, because research in an online course through a discussion board (DB). "Discussion Strategies for Improving Reading and Writing to Learn" by J. Swafford; paper presented at the World Congress on Reading in Stockholm, Sweden (July 1990). responses, they’ve also observed that students associate discussion quality It looks something like this: Great post, ! In every web you want to start with the middle of the web. Before choosing to use a discussion forum in your class, it is important to think through why a forum is the most appropriate tool to help you reach your student learning goals. Designers have a key role to play in exploring the potential uses of technology, understanding and managing its impact on society, and ensuring that it is accessible, usable, and useful. For very young children, Vogt provides the example of Nancy Shaw's Sheep series, published by Houghton Mifflin (Sheep on a Jeep, Sheep in a Ship, Sheep in a Shop, Sheep Out to Eat...). The Daily Word on the Web: How I Use It 2. The Discussion Web, as defined by Alvermann, has its basis in an article written by James Duthie in The History and Social Science Teacher. Limitations: discussion … And Discussion Webs aren't just for use in middle schools and high schools. How much does the number of replies from The possibilities aren't even limited by that! It's time to dust the cobwebs off your old discussion routines and introduce your students to -- Discussion Webs! 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